When is white not really white? When it’s headed toward an unprepared camera sensor. Understanding white balance and the color difference between light sources is critical to getting the best look from your camera, which also makes it a crucial part of cinematography where everything in the frame needs...
With the ubiquity of cheap LEDs, the sky’s the limit for the creative filmmaker. But besides just lighting a scene, what can you do with RGB LEDs?
Our cameras run on light. They need it to produce a clear image that’s both meaningful and pleasing to the eye. Without enough light, you’ll be left with noisy, distracting footage.
The style and application of cameo lighting have evolved throughout the years of cinema history. Here's how to employ this effective lighting technique.
It really doesn't matter how expensive your camera is; a film will never be as beautiful as it could be without good lighting.
Lighting is an art that can take years to master. Avoiding these mistakes, however, is a quick way to improve your results.
Person holding a sparkler to light a night scene.
Hollywood, with its seemingly endless resources, spends loads of money on lighting nighttime scenes. But how do we — without a grip truck full of HMIs — try to approach lighting a night scene? There are a few tricks of the trade that our budgets should allow. This article is...
Our medium isn’t our hardware. Our medium is light. Let’s talk about luminance and the inverse-square law.
One of the more common mistakes many beginning and intermediate videographers make is confusing our tools for our medium. Too many shooters focus on camera and lens, but that’s like a sculptor obsessing over what chisel to use and ignoring the giant block of marble in front of him....
The Sun: Everyone’s Light Kit
"If you really look carefully at natural light, you realize how complex it is, and how it's constantly shifting. When you put up an HMI and diffusion or bounce, it's very monochromatic and has a different feeling. So we burned our bridges, and sent all the lights back to...
Toplight: Painting with a Broad Brush. Warner Bros. Studios displays their new line of rentable LED "space lights" for stage use.
For those of us who contribute daily to the motion content business, eventually you will be asked to light a large subject or group of subjects within a single frame.  This will involve a different set of criteria than just lighting just one actor, or object.  You must think...