Sound is half of your video production, and sometimes you have to work outside your audio setup comfort zone. It’s not always sit-down interviews and Steadicam work, you know. A time may come along when you have to record at a live event and audio is most crucial. From...
close up shots of two large high-end audio speakers
In our Surround Sound part one feature, “Gathering the Audio” we looked at several ways to gather material for a surround sound mix in your video creations. It’s really not that hard, using equipment you may already own. We also touched on setting up a surround mixing space with...
DIY Sci-Fi Sound Effects
Time and money are always factors, but the choice between premade and DIY sound effects does not have to be an agonizing one.
Creating Sound Effects
Have you ever recognized a sound effect in a movie or television show? Close you eyes and imagine the sound of the doors opening on the bridge in Star Trek. Listen for the PING that emanates throughout. Hear that musical tinkling sound as Scotty beams the captain aboard. Sounds we've...
Dual System Sound From Hollywood To Home Video Editing
There is a technique from the world of motion pictures that has become more popular with smaller productions lately. It's called Dual System Sound and it has the potential to take your projects to the next level, if you're willing and able to deal with the added expense and...
How to capture sound effects to enhance your videos.
This week Brandon, Joseph and Jennifer demonstrate how to perform and record Foley sound effects, which will improve the sound(s) in your videos.
The Natural Approach
Interesting sounds are all around us. From the clatter of a train crossing to the clamor of an auction, mountains of unique sounds await a featured spot in your next video. Of course, if you didn't mean to record it, the sound is just noise. Sorting the desirable audio...
Doin' the Bump
In the broadcast world, they call it "dead air" -- that awkward silence between content where you wonder if the engineer took an extended coffee break or the station went off the air. In video production, we use bumper music, segues and other audio trickery to eliminate that uncomfortable...
Mix and Match
So, you're ready to buy a new audio mixer. Good for you! An audio mixer is a powerful tool in the video producer's bag of tricks. Not only will it allow you to combine multiple audio sources, depending on the model, you can also adjust tone, volume and interface...