Camera Moves: Back to Basics
"Alright," barked Bob through the papier-mâché megaphone that had the word "director" stenciled on the side in crude black letters, "When Herman comes out the door, Joe, I want you to leftmove the camera along with him." Herman sighed. He was an aging 1970s action star, far past his...
When to Move the Camera
In the early days of filmmaking the camera didn't move very much and this was for several reasons. First, no one had yet thought to put them on wheels, and secondly because directors believed that moving the camera would confuse people trying to follow the narrative. As moviemaking progressed,...
Jennifer demonstrates the different ways to shoot video from a moving vehicle.
Jennifer gives Melissa, a beginning videographer, some pointers on shooting better hand-held footage.
Tips and LETTERS - JO/AB Reader question: Shooting from a helicopter Tip: Popscreen Contact us at: Web / Forum Page
Camera Magic
So you've read a few of the articles about using a tripod and you have actually tried a few lighting techniques, but you say your videos still lack pizzazz and finesse? You don't have a lot of money to spend on a more advanced editing system and the computer...
Roll 'Em!
Without dynamic moving shots, videos can look, well, old-fashioned. Hand-holding is fine, but without a Steadicam, the results lack the creamy smoothness of dolly shots. Professional dollies (like the Microdolly Hollywood system) are affordable for small enterprises, but you can also make fluid moving shots with just about anything...
Camera Exercises
Nature or nurture? There are many unanswered questions in life and that sometimes goes double for us video makers. Here's one we've probably all asked ourselves: Why doesn't my camerawork look like that of the pros? The answer is tricky. It's tempting to blame the nature of the equipment, the...