Rule of odds featured image
The rule of odds is a very useful method for creating visually-pleasing frames and conveying story in film.
MOV vs. MP4 featured image
It's time to pit two popular video formations against each other: MOV vs. MP4. We will help you decide which format is right for your videos.
Dolly shot featured image
The dolly shot is a powerful, unique tracking shot that allows filmmakers to engage their audience with silky smooth camera zooms.
Leading lines
Leading lines are a core element of film composition. They are critical tools filmmakers use to direct where viewers should look.
Close-up shot featured image
The close-up shot is a power tool in cinema. In various ways, it helps the audience emotionally connect with what they're watching on-screen.
Establishing shot
Establish shots are more than just opening shots. They help films communicate the underlying context of a scene.
What does a cinematographer do?
The role cinematographers fill is vital, as they are directly responsible for the visual look and feel of the films they work on.
Pan shot
Master filmmakers use the pan shot to invoke emotion and keep their narratives moving. It's a valuable technique every filmmaker should know.
Learning how to apply the theories of graphic design into your video using the real world techniques can help take your projects to the next level. Creating Titles & Graphics explores different ways to improve your skills using a variety of methods. This webinar covers topics such as lower thirds, backgrounds, after effects, keyframes and more. These concepts are appropriate for the video editor who has a basic understanding of graphic design theory and wants to learn how to use After Effects and Premiere Pro to create effective graphics.
False color featured image
False color is one of the best techniques you can use to expose your shots correctly. Here's how to use it on your video projects.