CyberLink Director Suite 6
CyberLink came out swinging with its newest version of Director Suite 6. Released in September of 2017, Director Suite is made up of four programs that, over the years have progressed through many different versions. Included is PowerDirector 16 improved with 360 degree video editing, a video collage designer...
iZotope RX 6 Advanced - editor view
It’s not typical for us to say this — especially at the beginning of a review — but this is an exception: RX6 is the best audio repair tool out there. It fixes everything. Well, almost anything. It’s not going to make up for not recording something, but it...
Plug-ins Buyer's Guide
You can customize your software with additional tools through plugins. There are hundreds of plugins available and you would go broke trying to buy them all, but fortunately for you, we are going to cover the most popular plugins and what they can do for you and your editing...
Filmstro Pro
How many times have you searched and searched for music for a project, then when you finally find the song you like, it doesn't quite fit? Having the right soundtrack to match the feeling of your video is no easy task. Short of having a composer at your fingertips,...
Corel VideoStudio Ultimate X10
With the big brands like Adobe, Apple and Avid in the video editor marketplace, you wouldn’t think there’d be much breathing room for the small guys. And that is true to an extent when you’re talking about the editors that the pros use. However, there is still a huge...
Adobe CC 2017
The newest update to the Adobe Creative Cloud is rich with changes and covers many programs, but we’re going to keep it relevant to our focus and talk about all of the changes to CC’s video applications. Don’t worry though, even though we are going to talk only about...
Palette Gear Pro Kit Review
We set out to find out if Palette Gear could be your analog control for the digital world.We are typically reserved about Kickstarter tech since most ends up not making it all the way to production, but we finally started to get excited about Palette Gear when Adobe announced...
Final  Draft 10 Review
Final Draft has long been considered industry-leading screenwriting software, but its high price tag has lead many burgeoning screenwriters to wonder if its usefulness is truly worth the cost.The BasicsFinal Draft 10 is compatible with Mac OS X 10.9 or later and Windows 7 or later. Installing the software...
Apple  Final Cut Pro X 10.3 Review
Apple, over the last five years, has slowly pulled itself out of the hole dug by the original release of FCPX. For many video professionals, it was too big a change, causing them to leave Final Cut Pro for another editor. However, those that stayed seem to be true...
Vegas  Pro 14 Review
After months of speculation of what Sony was going to do with Vegas Pro, we now have the Vegas Pro 14 and we're more than ready to review it.